Monday, July 15, 2013

"Sometimes you have to take it a day at a time"- July 8, 2013


So, where to begin this week. This week was pretty tough.

One of our investigators baptisimal date was pushed back to the 20th. She´s still getting baptized but just a little later. Our other baptism, was pushed back to the 27th. She is absolutely sure that she wants to be baptized and she loves meeting with us.  We´re working hard though and have quite a few members involved.

Well, as I said this week was pretty tough. Every single missionary in the world goes through this though so that gives me a lot of comfort. I know that this won´t last forever and I’m taking every opportunity I can to laugh and find the wonderfully moments of the day. I started keeping a tender mercy journal that I write in every night when I go to bed. It really helps me put everything into perspective and remember that the lord´s hand is in my life every day. I´m learning a little more every day and this experience has really helped my Spanish out. Thank goodness for that. haha.
This whole experience has been a push from the Lord. The Lord´s push isn´t one that ends up in a face plant though. It results in acceleration. The Lord will never push us more than we can handle and I have to keep reminding myself of that. The Lord is there every step of the way. In fact, he´s carrying me every step of the way. He´s carrying me until I can start running on my own. During church yesterday, I was thinking about what a heavy load I have had to carry this transfer and then it hit me. Who´s really carrying the load? Boy, was that ever a humbling moment for me. The Savior is carrying my burden for me. I barely have to carry anything at all. Because of the atonement he can carry that load for me and lighten my burden. I have truly been able to see how the Lord can lighten our burdens if we just come to him and let him carry us. He will gladly do it but we have to come to him first. 
This is tough but I wouldn´t trade it for anything in the world because it has brought me closer to my Savior than ever before. I have developed a deeper relationship with the Savior than I thought possible. I love this work. It may bring me to my knees every single day but I´ll gladly get back up to bear witness of the savior. I truly do love my mission. I´m still smiling and laughing because I can see the result of all of this. I can look forward and see the joy that is going to come because of the moments like this. I bear testimony of the incredible power of the atonement. That it truly does cover everything. Everything. There is no place in existence that the light of the atonement can´t shine. 
Thank you all for the love and support! It really does mean the world to me! Spain says hello! also.....IT¨S SO STINKING HOT HERE! Ash! So there´s that. Love you all! Have an incredible week and keep talking to your Father in Heaven through prayer. 

If you want to talk to your Father in Heaven, pray. If you want your Father in Heaven to talk to you, read your scriptures.

Hermana Israelsen

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