Thursday, August 29, 2013

I NEED THEE EVERY HOUR - August 26, 2013

I Need Thee Every Hour

One thing, I’m most likely leaving Elche next week so any letters sent after today most likely won´t make it to me but I’ll send you my address as soon as I get it!

By the way, when people talk about how they ¨killed off their companion¨ it means that their companion finished their mission and went home. There´s a lot of funny vocab in the mission. When you enter the field you are ¨born¨ so I was born four months ago here in Elche. When you go home from your mission you ¨die¨. So if you are the companion of someone who is going home you are ¨killing them off¨. Hahaha. Really strange but it´s what it is. Ha-ha.
My sweet friend who we've been teaching WAS BAPTIZED LAST NIGHT!!!! Wow! My first baptism here in Spain!!! It was really hard to plan for because I had never planned a baptism before. The Lord made up for all of my weaknesses though and everything worked out. 
I will never forget his face as he came up out of the water! I will never forget it as long as I live!!! It was as if he were seeing the light for the first time. He was the happiest that I’ve ever seen him. I could literally see the change that baptism brought to his life. He was a completely new and happier man. WOW! He brought his entire family to come see his baptism (none of them are members). Apparently he´s told his family all about us so when we met them they treated us like family! It was such a sweet experience!!! They have watched the change that the gospel has brought to his life and they told us that they´d like to meet and receive some of the lessons. WHAT?!?!?!?!?! Miracle. Nothing short of a miracle.  I can honestly say that this man has become like one of my very best friends out here. It´s going to KILLLLLLLLLL ME to leave him next week. I never thought I’d get this close to anyone on my mission. He´s absolutely incredible! He´s like my uncle or something. I love this man with all of my heart!
This last week was FULL of miracles. The Lord truly did put people who were prepared for the gospel in our path. One example was that we showed up at the door of one of our citas but she cancelled on us. We remembered the promise that the Lord had given us about how someone in the area was prepared so we started our search for this person in faith and prayer. We literally talked to every single person on the street around the piso but no one was even slightly interested. We tried tocing the doors near-by but no one was interested. We were about to give up and move onto our next cita when we both felt that there was in fact someone who was ready near-by.
We were walking down the street when a door literally opened on its own for us so we took that as a sign and walked right in. We went to the top of the building and the first door we tried was a girl who thought that all faiths were the same. After a little bit of testifying to her she finally let us in. We then talked about the Book of Mormon and she was extremely receptive. It was absolutely amazing!!!! That was such a humbling moment for me to know that this is the Lord´s work and not mine. He is truly preparing people for the amazing gift of the gospel. WOW!!!!
This week I learned a lot about humility. I literally cannot do ANYTHING without the Lord. I made so many mistakes this week like leaving our phone at the church, forgetting to assign prayers for the baptism, taking the wrong bus and missing an appointment, and the list goes on and on. I learned so much about the atonement this week and it became so much more personal to me. With every single mistake I made the Savior was there to pick up the pieces. He was there to pick me up, dust me off, and get me back on track. I put forth my VERY BEST effort this week but it literally wasn´t enough. I did everything I possibly could to serve the Lord but it wasn´t enough. That´s where my Savior stepped in.  He made it enough. He made up the difference and made everything I did enough. HE made it enough. He did. The atonement is not only for our sins and pains but also for making up the difference when we do all we can do and it´s still not enough. It´s through him, and only him, that it is enough. In fact, through him it is more than enough. I have a deeper and more personal love and understanding of the atonement than ever before.  I was made very aware of all of my faults and weaknesses this week but through the savior he helped me fulfill the things I needed to do. 
I love the Savior and I will never ever go through another day without begging him for his help. Remember that you need the lord every day. Don´t ever think that you can do it alone. Why do it alone when you don´t have to? He´s there, just waiting. Open the door and let him in. Love you all!!
Come what may and love it!
Hermana Israelsen

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