Monday, September 2, 2013

MOUNTAINS TO CLIMB - August 26, 2013

Mountains to Climb

Alright well it´s transfer week and I have some news. Drum roll lease.....................I´m training again and I’m opening an area!  It´s a very small pueblo and there´s a branch there of about 20 or so members.  I couldn´t be any more excited to go! The Lord has prepared me for this over the last 4 months. He had me open Elche with my trainer and then he had me train. Now I’m just doing both at the same time. I know exactly what I’m getting myself into so that´s nice. I already know that it´s going to be incredibly hard but I´m so so so excited! Time to get to work!

I had such a tender mercy this week. I got a call from an unknown number a few days ago so I picked it up and guess who it was. Two of my favorite sisters from the MTC!!!!!! They got permission to call me and talk for a few minutes because of all of the transfer changes. That was seriously the BIGGEST tender mercy for me. It was absolutely incredibly to talk to those two for those few short minutes. I honestly can´t describe how much it meant to me to be able to hear their voices because I haven´t seen any of them for a few months now. Man, I miss all of my MTC hermanas so much and getting to talk to two of them was the greatest blessing to me. AH!

Alright well, this next transfer is going to be an adventure.

If you feel like the mountain you´re about to climb in your life is impossible don´t forget that you´re not alone. The lord will always provide a way. I know that because he´s done it for me. A little less than 3 months ago a 20 year old girl was dumped in a foreign country where she barely barely barely communicate with anyone and was not only expected to take care of herself but another girl. Not only was she expected to teach and train another girl but she was expected to take care of an entire city. What the Lord asked me to do was literally an impossible task. I had one HUGE mountain to climb and it started out as a sheer cliff wall.

Looking back I know one thing for sure, the Lord never ever abandoned me. He was there EVERY second of the way. In those moments where I put forth every effort I could, when I did everything that I possibly could and more but it still wasn´t good enough, those were the moments that the Savior carried me. When giving it everything that I possibly had still wasn´t good enough the savior stepped in and made up for the rest. The lord provided a way for me to do an impossible task. I can stand here and testify that the Lord will always provide a way for you to climb that mountain because he did it for me. The lord will never ever abandon you and he will always provide you a way to do what he has asked. When looking at that steep mountain that you have to climb remember this: Fear not, only believe. I love you all! Wish me luck as I start a new adventure.

Come What May and Love It!

Love, Hermana Israelsen

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