Tuesday, November 26, 2013

It's Time to Move On - November 25

I´m so so so sorry but this email is going to be short. We´re running really low on time today because we have a lot to get done before I leave. Yes, I’m being transferred. I´ve got some big changes coming my way next transfer. Looks like I’m leaving my are and going to the Promised Land!!!!!! I´m so stinking excited but I´m also heartbroken to be leaving this area. I didn´t realize how much I love this place and the people until I was told that I have to leave. A piece of my heart still resides in Elche and now another piece will always remain here. 
My new companion only has two transfers left in the mission so I’m really excited to work with her. That´s not the only change though.....I´ve been called as a SHE which is a sister trainer. It´s the new leadership position that the church put into action this summer for sister missionaries.  Also, you know how last week I said that I wouldn´t be training this transfer? Well, looks like I was wrong. Along with our other responsibilities, will be training a new sister together. I´m literally in shock! SO many changes in just one transfer. I know that it´s going to be a big challenge but I’m really excited to face it because I think it will be a fun one. It´s another mountain to climb but I have a feeling that the view is going to be breathtaking!
I am so incredibly grateful for the time I’ve had here. It has changed me. It helped me grow and taught me so much. I remember my first two weeks here in this pueblo as if it were yesterday. I remember walking down the streets and knocking on doors 9 hours a day, every day of the week. I remember how many doors were slammed in our face and how many people told us what scum we were. I remember how difficult and discouraging it was. Back then I could have never imagined the growth and miracles that we would one day see. Just look what the Lord has done here. We have a baptism this Sunday and another 3 at the end of December! The Lord has been there every step of the way and there´s no way I can deny that. He led those who were prepared for his gospel to us and us to them. He provided a way for us to do what seemed impossible. I may not have been the best missionary here but I truly feel like I’ve done all that the Lord needed me to do here and that it´s time to move on. I will miss these people and this pueblo so much but I feel like I’ve gotten enough closer to end this adventure and head out to start a new one.
Adventure is out there!
Love you all! Come what may and love it
Hermana israelsen
Warmer weather here I come!!!!!!!

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