Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sunday Will Come – April 21, 2104

Because Easter was just yesterday I have been thinking a lot about an old talk by Elder Wirthlin. So these have been my thoughts during the week. I think we all have many moments in our lives, and they may even happen frequently, when we look forward and question if we can go any further. We may wonder when the challenges will end or when we´ll find relief. We might question how this could possibly be for our good or in the most desperate of moments we might even wonder if the Lord really has a plan for us.
 As we all know this weekend was Easter weekend. On Thursday Christ went to Gethsemane and suffered for every one of us. On Friday the Savior was crucified. I´m sure Thursday, Friday and Saturday were filled with challenges, pains, and struggles for everyone. It was Sunday however that the Savior fulfilled his promises and rose again. He broke the chains of death and made it possible that we could all live again. That beautiful Sunday morning was what gave all of that pain and suffering a purpose. That Sunday morning gave us all hope and purpose. So for those of you who feel like you´re at the end of your rope, who feel like you´re too weak and tired to move on, or feel as if your load is too heavy just remember that just like for the Savior it didn´t last forever. Thursday and Friday were more difficult than we can begin to comprehend but Sunday came. That glorious Sunday came and brought us all new life. I add my testimony to Elder Wirthlín´s as I say that for any of you that are struggling, burdened, or discouraged - Sunday will come. There will be relief to your suffering and an end to your trial. I don´t know when but I do know that Sunday will come. The Lord will fulfill his promises to you and will give you all of the blessings he has promised you if you´ll just hang on for a little longer and be faithful. Sunday will always come. Like it was for Joseph Smith your trials, problems, worries, and struggles will only last for ¨a small moment and then if thou endure it well, god shall exalt thee on high.¨ ¨peace be unto thy soul¨. I testify that Christ lives. He lives so that we can live too. Because of him, Sunday will come for us all. I love the Lord and I am his representative. Sunday will always come.
Hermana Israelsen 

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