Monday, July 22, 2013

"Finding the Joy in the Journey" - July 22, 2012


Transfer week. We didn´t get a call from President this week so that means it´s still my hija and I here in Elche. I´m really happy about that! I’m not quite ready to leave Elche yet. I LOVE ELCHE! We got some other news though that made me scream.....dum dum dum......ELCHE IS GETTING MORE HERMANAS!!!! Another companionship of hermanas are coming to serve in the other ward here. AH! That was such a tender mercy for me! After 3 months of isolation I’m finally going to have more hermanas!!!! They´ll come on Wednesday and even better news. Guess who´s coming? One of my MTC hermanas,  I love love love this hermana! She´s rock solid and we were tight in the MTC. She´s one of the 3 other sisters who had to train after 6 weeks in the field. We have actually talked about how awesome it´d be to be companions and now look! We may not be companions but now we live within 15 minutes of each other! So that made my week! 

A few cool things. I´m learning Spanish sign language! There are a few deaf people here in Elche that we want to communicate with so a member in Alicante is teaching us Spanish sign language! It´s pretty simple next to learning Spanish so we´re picking it up very quickly! I can teach a mini lesson in sign language now! It´s so tight! I think sign language is so smooth! 

Another thing. In the past 3 months I’ve been trying to figure out why I can´t understand some people out here in Elche and then I figured it out this week. It´s because they´re speaking Valenciano not Castillano (what I’m speaking).Hhaha! I feel so much better knowing that the only reason I can´t completely understand them is because it´s a different dialect! Valenciano is hard and doesn´t really make any sense to me. Maybe after another 6 weeks here in Elche I’ll be able to pick it up a little. Who knows? 

Well, this week was pretty crazy. My companion had to go to Malaga to get her residency card so I went on exchanges with a hermana in Alicante for the weekend. My companion missed her train back so she had to wait another day to come back to Elche which meant that I had to stay another day in Alicante. That means that we didn´t get to teach a single lesson in Elche for 4 entire days!!! Wow, it´s good to be back and teaching again! 

I really do love Elche. Elche has truly become my home! I absolutely love love love Elche. I love the people, the area, the palm trees, the missionaries, the members, and about every other thing about Elche but none of those are the reasons why Elche will always have a special place in my heart. Elche will always hold my heart because it was here that I truly found God. Elche has truly been my refiner´s fire. The past 3 months have been the hardest three months in my life but I wouldn´t trade them for anything in the entire world. It was here that I learned to completely and fully rely on the Lord and let him carry me. It was here that I learned for myself that I could do hard things. It was here that I learned to truly love people from all different backgrounds. Most importantly, it was here that I started to become the person that the Lord has always wanted me to be. 

I have never before felt so close to my Savior nor understood the magnitude of the Atonement. I have an unwavering testimony of 1 Nephi 3:7. "I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."   

The Lord WILL always provide a way if we but let him guide us. The Lord has provided a way for me to do something that to me seemed absolutely impossible. Sometimes we have to walk in the dark for a time but I promise you that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. I have experienced that for myself. I am so incredibly grateful for everything the Lord has put me through these past 4 1/2 months. I can now look back and see how important each and every one of those trials were for my development and testimony.

I absolutely love what I´m doing right now. It´s ridiculously difficult but I love it none the less. Not a day goes by that I don´t feel overwhelmed with gratitude for all the Lord has done for me. I´m stronger than ever thanks to the Lord and I´m looking forward to the next 6 weeks here in Elche. I can already feel that we´re going to see miracles! Thanks for all of the love, prayers, and support!

Sometimes life is about finding joy in the journey. Go out and look for it. It´s there

Hermana Israelsen

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