A family we have been teaching was baptized this week. As they were baptized, every heart
ache, disappointment, and set back I have had during the past year and a half
seemed to be swallowed up in the joy I felt. It had all been worth it.
morning as I was studying I came across Alma 29:10. It´s a scripture I’ve read
a hundred times over but this time it hit me with great force and power. I felt
as if it was taken directly from my journal. It has been pretty difficult to
find words to describe my feelings lately but this scripture says it all. I
KNOW of God´s mercy. I can´t write that phrase without tears filling my eyes. I
know of his mercy. I´ve felt it. He has truly extended his merciful arm to me
every day of my entire life and he has never given up on me. He has answered
every prayer and every heartbroken plea. I am truly filled with joy that seems
to fill every space in my life. The Lord has done so much for me and continues
to do so. I so dearly love the Lord and my heart is full of gratitude that
can´t be expressed. Oh how the Lord loves us.
“And behold, when I see many
of my brethren truly penitent, and coming to the lord their god, then is my
soul filled with joy; then do I remember what the lord has done for me, yeah,
even that he hath heard my prayer; yeah, then do I remember his merciful arm
which he extended towards me.”
Alma 29:10
told me that “In the end it will all be alright, and if it´s not alright, it´s
not the end.” The Lord has resolved everything. As much as it hurts and as much
as I don´t want this to end I know that it´s time to go forward and start
another adventure back in Utah. If you could have learned one thing from me
over the past year and a half I so dearly pray that it is of the atonement. It´s
through the atonement that God extends to us his mercy. It´s why our prayers
are answered in the best way and the best timing. It´s the reason I am filled
with such joy. I love you all and I’ll see you soon. I truly love the Lord and I
will never regret the decision I made to come out here. Never. It has all been
worth it.
Come what
may and love it
Hermana Israelsen
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